Looking Back Provides More Answers Than Looking Forward

"A summary of my research findings for prevention of Alzheimer's disease."

Posted by Dr. Colin Ross on October 19, 2022

Looking back provides more answers than looking forward.

A summary of my research findings shows that PREVIOUS studies for certain women started on Hormonal Replacement Therapy for 10 years, between the ages of 50-60, show drastic decrease in the development of Altzheimers disease for which the Details of my investigation can be accessed here: Link

In summary here is what should be the;


1. 50 year old Menopausal woman Low risk for Breast Cancer, (No 1st degree female relative with Breast Cancer)/High risk for Alzheimer’s (Family History of Alzheimer’s disease)

  • Yearly screening mammogram
  • Low dose estrogen/progesterone (if the woman has a uterus). PremPro (Drug)
  • Low dose estrogen (if the woman does not have a uterus)

2. 50 year old Menopausal woman High risk for Breast CA, (1st degree female relative with Breast Cancer)/High risk for Alzheimer’s (Family History of Alzheimer’s disease)

  • Yearly screening mammogram
  • If the woman has or does not have a uterus. Raloxifene (Drug)

3. 50 year old Menopausal woman Low risk for Breast Cancer, (No 1st degree female relative with Breast Cancer)/High risk for Alzheimer’s (Family History of Alzheimer’s disease)

  • Yearly screening mammogram
  • If the woman does not have a uterus. Raloxifene (Drug) or Tamoxifen (Drug)

Men or Women with Early onset Alzheimer’s (Too late for PREVENTION)

Use of the following combination of drugs which target inflammation/fatty plaque buildup at physiological steps of cholesterol processing and feed into the inflammatory pathways for cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase production. Moderate dosing of each drug is the theoretical starting point.

  • Niacin ER 1000mg BID or Fenofibrate 140mg QD
  • ASA 81 mg BID
  • OMEGA 3-6-9 1000mg QD
  • Orlistat 120mg TID or Zetia 10mg QD

shallow focus photo of a yoyo Photo by Phillip Flores on Unsplash

The Lower6 BLOG focuses on presenting basic physiology in a format that helps empower the reader into making correct health choices. Just keep in mind that there were a lot of intelligent, double and triple board certified individuals who embraced the half truths regarding prescribing opioid based drugs and pushing Vitamin deficiency scams where a lot of people get PLAYED while other people are getting PAID.

Do not claim ignorance of physiology as a green light for being scammed but become empowered instead by studying subjects discussed on this blog.