Strong Coffee

"Does drinking coffee cause DEMENTIA? The answer is KNOW (Not a typo)"

Posted by Dr. Colin Ross on December 30, 2022

Lately, many people have asked me the question, "Does drinking coffee on a regular basis CAUSE DEMENTIA?" Multiple studies are being published stating there is an ASSOCIATION with drinking coffee and dementia, but none of those studies state there is a CAUSATION between coffee drinking and dementia, which by the way association versus causation is the same false premise constantly used to push the false Vitamin D deficiency syndrome scams.

So once again basic science and common sense save us from tackling what could be at the heart of our concern since 66% of Americans now drink coffee each day, more than any other beverage including tap water and up by nearly 14% since January 2021. Is Starbucks a dementia generating business? Or could something else be the CAUSE not the ASSOCIATION of coffee consumption and dementia?

Here is the most obvious causation overlooked by all the studies I have seen thus far;

If you had a good night's sleep, (3-4 cycles of NREM/REM) then why would you need a big cup or a few cups of coffee to WAKE YOU UP in the morning?

illustration of a cup of coffee Image by Ryan J. Hendrix

What you need to understand and KNOW.

Chronic insomnia and untreated sleep apnea, which is really chronic insomnia due to some obstruction, (large tonsils, big throat and "obesity"), is why people need those 50 to 400+ mg plus of caffeine per cup (A big 16 oz Starbucks grande can contain over 300 mg of caffeine) to wake them up in the morning (Causation not association). Chronic insomnia over time is the culprit which causes long term hypoxia, (lack of oxygen), and when your brain constantly does not receive oxygen the frontal lobe, (FOR memory), the hippocampus, (HIPPOS and Elephants have great memories), are starved of their major antioxidant, defender against free radicals which is OXYGEN.

Secondly, what in the world is the best food for your brain cells? Which came first oxygen or the multiple brain supplements found on the market today? This is probably the one question evolutionists and creationist could agree upon.

Hence, over time you begin to forget because your brain has been starved of a vital food and antioxidant called OXYGEN, disguised in the form of insomnia and masked by the WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO GO effect of coffee. In a materialistic society where we are valued by our ability to live in a great home, drive a luxury car and wear designer clothing, we work 9-5 and then 5-9 to obtain these things. The introduction of stimulants in a juice known as coffee helps override the effects of our lifelong battle with AM insomnia.

BTW keep in mind that if your brain does not go through 3-4 Non-rem/REM sleep cycles due to insomnia you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain.

illustration of a desert at dusk with stars in the sky Image by Ryan J. Hendrix

"Sleeping Pills" for the most part produce anesthesia and not sleep. If you ever had a medical procedure under general anesthesia "loss of memory" is the major effect. You have no idea what was done to you. Also you have to be provided with, here it is OXYGEN when placed under general anesthesia. I don't know of many people who take a sleeping pill and use supplemental Oxygen at the same time, or take a sleeping pill while hooked up to their C-pap or Bi-pap machine. If you want a good night's sleep listen to my lecture "Rockabye baby why can't I sleep".

Next year I will tackle the subject revenge of the hypothalamus. Initial weight loss per surgical weight loss or obesity medications followed by rebound weight gain driven by your hypothalamus. Why lifestyle changes is the only way to get it off slowly and keep it off. This is why Lower6 is a program and not a surgery or medication. How many surgeries can one have in the same area and what happens after you stop taking that pill?

photograph of Dr. Colin Ross Photo by Dr. Colin Ross