Battle of the Bulge

"I can have my cake and eat it too"

Posted by Dr. Colin Ross on January 26, 2023

If this lady in the video below had the lower6 phone app and diet program, not only would she KNOW which chocolates are low GI/GL, hence eating that caliber of chocolate would not increase her risk of developing metabolic disease or cause weight gain, but she would also know that CAROB tastes JUST LIKE CHOCOLATE and is also a better food.

She could eat the FLAVOR she likes, chocolate, without developing the disease she does not want. I have no idea why researchers are coming up with some interesting ideas and even nasty ideas, such as fecal transplant, about what is at the root cause of the Obesity epidemic in America? In American there are more people who are Obese than people who smoke cigarettes.

The key for BATTELING THE BULDGE is simple:

1) Fix your diet.

2) Get in your movement. At least 120 minutes a week, away from your job, even if your work in construction 🙈

3) See an RD at least every 3-6 months to refresh
or repeat step 1.

4) Get the counseling needed to understand why you may have a food addiction but also invest in the 2-3 years to overcome that addiction.

Weight loss medications will come, go and get withdrawn off the market for side effects with chronic use. You can defeat any problem if you fight it properly, but will be defeated by any problem when you give in without a fight.

picture of a chocolate cake Image by Ryan J. Hendrix