Dog On It!

"Could mankind learn a lesson from his/her best friend?"

Posted by Dr. Colin Ross on May 26, 2023

I asked ChatGPT what could I do for my Dog who is obese and in the answer the "E" word, EFFORT, came up🙈. Unfortunately, up to 65% of dogs in the United States are considered overweight or obese.

Causes of Obesity in Dogs

The most obvious cause of obesity in dogs is overfeeding. The basic components for treating obesity are exercise and dietary changes. The reduction or elimination of extras like treats and table scraps will be helpful. Medications are not typically needed to TREAT Obesity in Dogs Once your dog has reached his ideal weight, your veterinarian may recommend transitioning to a maintenance diet. It is important to continue regular exercise and limit extra treats and snacks.

photo of two dogs running Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

Of course, preventing obesity before it even happens would be ideal. This can be achieved by two or three meals per day instead of always having food available, avoiding excessive treats, and ensuring that your dog gets regular exercise. Exercise is not just good for your dog—it’s good for YOU.

While it takes EFFORT to prevent or correct obesity, the benefits of a longer and healthier life are well worth it for you and your dog.

photo of a man next to a water fountain Photo by Dr. Ross