Disease Light Savings Times

"Can we turn the clock 15 years backwards?"

Posted by Dr. Colin Ross on July 12, 2023

This is why clients of the lower 6 program started using natural bees honey as thier sweetner 15 YEARS AGO, when I completed and published the research on glycemic index, glycemic load, insulin growth like factor, apoptosis and the "G" phase of the cell cycle.

The foods you consume cause your insulin levels to SPIKE, (GLYCEMIC INDEX/GLYCEMIC LOAD), it is the consistent spiking of your insulin levels from the moment babies consume a processed food called infant formula, to the 5th-6th decade of life, 50-60 years old when apoptosis begins. This process of eating high GI/GL foods is the foundation of 68% of all disease and cancer genesis.

infographic of good sugar substitutes Info-graphic provided by Dr. Ross

Univ of Mass are you listening to me now?

The findings of WHO regading artificial sweetners reflect a glaring problem with the U.S disease maintenance system. Your system figures out the damage after the fact, the lower6 program is one of prevention that decreases your chances of developing disease before the fact because:

"Patients are not always compliant with taking their medications but patients are always compliant with EATING FOODS and drinking liquids."

photo of the top of two cola cans Photo from Web MD